Jetzt aktiv werden und anpacken, was dich nervt!

Melanie  Manegold
Melanie Manegold Greenpeace e.V. • 26 Juli 2021
in der Gruppe Themengruppe Wald

Es läuft so vieles verkehrt und darum braucht es noch mehr Menschen, die anpacken, was lostreten und andere motivieren, mitzumachen.

Gibt es bei dir regional oder lokal einen Missstand, der dich so richtig nervt? Dann ist bestimmt das Training vom Collective Climate Action Team genau das Richtige für dich, damit du gut vorbereitet loslegen kannst, um das Problem anzugehen.


Hier der Einladungstext für das Training (auf englisch):

The Collective Climate Action team will be running an organizing training starting on September 25th and running until late November. The 10 week course is completely free and consists of a 2-2.5 hour weekly webinar, weekly challenges and coaching sessions. The training will be in English with sessions taking place on Saturday at 10:00am CET. The training is an introduction to organizing and to key concepts of the practice, tools and principles every organizer needs. We are currently running this training for the Latin America region and we have a lot of amazing Greenpeace Volunteers currently taking part!

Steps training

What will we cover in the training? (more in the attached pdf)

Steps trainingIf you would like to learn more about organizing or would like to see more organizing happening in your local context then we highly recommend that you join us. If you feel this would be a good opportunity for some of your volunteers or someone in your network then the google application form can be found here. Also if you would like more information about the training please contact me with your questions or to arrange a call. If you are in Europe, Africa, Asia region and you feel this may be a good opportunity for your volunteers don't think twice and pass it on!


Hope to see you in September!

Chris on behalf of the CCA team


Global Organizing Coordinator - Collective Climate Action

0030 6984617029
